Holistic Practitioner Neutral Bay
Holistic Practitioner
Holistic Practitioner
Licensed Real Estate Agent (Real Estate Management); Advanced Diploma in Yoga Studies (Yoga Institute); Mould Illness Made Simple Certificate; ATMS Certificate: Environmental Medicine: Health Hazards in the Home; Space Clearing with Denise Linn and Karen Kingston; Feng Shui Certificate Gerry Heaton, Nature Care College.
With a background of thirty years in residential property management Kathryn’s curiosity with the built environment lead her to learning in the areas of space clearing, Feng Shui, building wellness and person and place-centred wellbeing.
Kathryn offers space clearing consultations and conducts on-site healthy home audits for individuals and families. She runs a Heart of Home Series of workshops which focus on health and mindfulness in the home. Kathryn enjoys helping individuals create spaces that support and nourish the mind and body and uses techniques to heal homes and transform space. Her workshops and consultations provide a safe space for the contemplation of the deeper meaning of home.
Kathryn’s yoga offerings include restorative and gentle breath-centred private and group classes for women in mid-life and beyond. Her workshops and retreats focus on women’s health, transition and navigation through change.
Member Australian Architects Association
Yoga Australia