Baking Soda


6 in stock

Features and benefits

Sodium bicarbonate can be used topically as an antiseptic to treat acne/blemishes, cleanse the face as a light exfoliator (when combined with honey and essential oils) and whiten teeth. It is also a great deodorant, hair shampoo, and skin solvent for a mineralized bath. Also remember that it’s important to choose a baking soda that is aluminum free to get the most health benefits.

How it works

Sodium bicarbonate (known as baking soda) is a natural occurring mineral that can provide some pretty miraculous health benefits. Most well known for its use as an agent for leavening bread and other baked goods, baking soda is extremely powerful for reducing or balancing acid in the body, which is at the source of many illnesses including cancer. Baking soda is both healing and preventative when taken orally in addition to its many topical health applications.
